Manufacturer / Shimadzu Corporation

Shimadzu Corporation

Shimadzuâ„¢ is a Japanese company that was founded in 1875 and has since become the manufacturer with the widest product range in instrument analysis and life sciences. In addition to high-performance systems, Shimadzu offers a wide range of columns and consumables for liquid– and gas chromatography to provide innovative solutions for optimal, reliable and reproducible analytical results. 


Shim-pack HPLC columns are available for a range of chromatography types and in various modifications.

Technical Data

Which product line can be used when?

  • Ghost Trap DS: Pre-columns to prevent ghost peaks caused by the mobile phase, also suitable for UHPLC
  • SH dedicated columns: Special columns optimised for specific applications
  • Shim-pack Arata: HPLC columns specially optimised for basic analytes
  • Shim-pack Bio Diol: Columns for the separation of biomolecules by size exclusion chromatography
  • Shim-pack Bio IEX: HPLC columns for ion chromatography with biomolecules
  • Shim-pack dedicated columns: Specialised columns designed for specific applications
  • Shim-pack FC-ODS: C18 phase with special surface for high resolution and short analysis times
  • Shim-pack G series: Various HPLC columns for fast separations, high retention or special stability
  • Shim-pack GPC: Polymer-based columns for size exclusion chromatography with organic solvents
  • Shim-pack IC: Wide range of ion chromatography columns for a variety of applications
  • Shim-pack MAqC-ODS: Mixed-mode columns with C18 modification and cation exchanger, for basic compounds
  • Shim-pack Scepter: Hybrid particle based columns for HPLC, UHPLC and preparative applications
  • Shim-pack Velox: Phases based on core-shell particles for high efficiency
  • Shim-pack VP: HPLC columns with good reproducibility for the development and validation of analytical methods
  • Shim-pack XR: HPLC columns based on 2.2 µm silica for good efficiency and resolution at moderately high pressure
  • SH-MXT: Metal columns for gas chromatography at high temperatures
  • SH-Rt: PLOT columns for analysing volatile compounds by gas chromatography
  • SH-Rtx: Columns for general applications in gas chromatography, also suitable for MS
  • SH-Rxi: Capillary columns for highest performance in gas chromatography, also suitable for MS and high temperatures




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