Manufacturer / GL Sciences

GL Sciences

Exclusively in Germany from MZ-Analysentechnik GmbH

GL Sciencesâ„¢ Inc. (Japan) is leading developer and manufacturer of HPLC-columns with specially inert packing material. The well-known brand Inertsilâ„¢ is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry worldwide as Inertsil columns are also available as validated HPLC-columns (e.g. Inertsil ODS-3V). More HPLC-columns from GL Sciences are InertSustain and InertSustainSwift. Please see below an overview of available chromatography columns of GL Sciences. Following products complete the portfolio:

Titansphere, MonoTip, MonoSpin, MonoTrap: Purification and Enrichment of Phosphopeptides. More info...
InertCap: Gas Chromatography Columns. More info…
GC-Zubehör: Digital Flow Meter GLF-1010. More info...
GC-Zubehör: Gas Leak Detector LD-239 for Gas Chromatography. More info...


2024: InertSep WAX FF/GCB and InertSep GCB/WAX FF. New SPE Cartridges for EPA Method 1633. Read more…

2021: InertSustain AX-C18. Better retention of acidic compounds. Read more…


Product Type
Internal Diameter
Particle Size
Film Thickness [µm]
Chemistry Producers Term
Pore Size
USP Class
Carbon Load
Bet Surface Area [m2/g]
Column Type
Hardware Material
Hardware Type
pH Minimum
pH Maximum
Temperature Maximum [°C]
Outer Diameter [inch]
Mode of Separation
Volume [ml]
Pressure Stability
Bed Mass [mg]
Needle Length [mm]
Needle Type
Syringe Termination
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Technical Data

Which product line can be used when?

  • Inertsil: Especially inert materials for highly efficient and reproducible (U)HPLC
  • InertSustain: Particularly inert materials for (U)HPLC, with high pH stability
  • InertSustain Swift: Inert columns for fast separations, ideal for LC-MS and LC-MS / MS methods
  • InertCap: Columns for gas chromatography
  • InertSep: SPE cartridges with a wide range of materials, modifications and formats
  • Titansphere: Material for the concentration of phosphorylated proteins based on TiO2
  • LD239 Gas Leak Detector: Portable detector to find gas leaks
  • GF-1010 Digital Gas Flow Meter: Portable detector for measuring the volume flow of gases
  • Bioptic: Special columns for the analysis of bioactive substances from plasma samples
  • GL Sciences-HayeSep: Porous material for analysing volatile compounds by gas chromatography
  • GL Sciences-Porapak: Porous material for the analysis of volatile compounds by gas chromatography
  • GL Sciences-TC: Different GC columns for different analyses
  • GL Sciences-Tenax: Special material to minimise ghost peaks
  • GL Sciences-Unibeads: Adsobents for the gas chromatography of hydrocarbons
  • InertCore: Durable core-shell material with C18 modification for efficient separations
  • InertSep WAX FF/GCB: SPE cartridges for the analysis of PFAS according to EPA method 1633
  • InertSphere: Application-specific special columns based on a styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer
  • MonoCap: Capillary columns made of monolithic SiO2 for high-resolution and fast HPLC
  • MonoFas: Extraction and purification kits for biochemical applications
  • MonoSpin: SPE centrifugal columns for the preparation of small volume samples
  • MonoTrap: Sorptive medium based on silica gel monoliths for sample preparation
  • OPTIC: Inlet system for gas chromatography that covers a wide range of injection types
  • ProteoSil: Series of (U)HPLC columns specially developed for biopharmaceuticals
  • SYPRON: Columns for ion exchange chromatography



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