Sugar Analysis

Analysis and Separation of Saccharides and Derivatives

Efficient and reliable analysis of food and its ingredients has become increasingly important in recent years, as the requirements for food safety and the recipes used have steadily increased. Carbohydrates are a major area of food ingredients. Their analysis involves the separation of oligo- and polysaccharides, sugars, sugar alcohols, their degradation products and substitutes (e.g. sugar substitutes or sweeteners). In addition to the food industry, the analysis of wood and plant ingredients is another major field of application for carbohydrate analysis.



Product Type
Internal Diameter
Particle Size
Chemistry Producers Term
Pore Size
USP Class
Bet Surface Area [m2/g]
Column Type
Hardware Material
Hardware Type
pH Minimum
pH Maximum
Temperature Maximum [°C]
Mode of Separation
Number Theoretical Plates
Pressure Stability
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Technical Data

The stationary phases in the analysis of saccharides

For the analysis of carbohydrates, mostly polymer-based materials which are modified on the surface with either amino or sulphonic acid groups (-SO3X). The counterion (X) of the sulphonic acid groups can be of different types, as this can influence the selectivity of the column. In the simplest case, this is a hydrogen ion (X=H+). Other counterions used are calcium (X=Ca2+), lead (X=Pb2+), potassium (X=K+) or sodium (X=Na+). Sometimes other modifications of the base material are also used for the separation of carbohydrates, e.g. ammonium, carboxyl or diol groups.


Separation mechanisms involved

Depending on the stationary and mobile phase, different separation mechanisms can come into play, with at least two of them often running in parallel during a separation:


The separation of anomers

Anomers are certain diastereomers of sugar molecules that only differ in their configuration at the so-called "anomeric" carbon atom. For glucose, for example, this is α- and β-glucose (see figure). In solution, these can transform into the respective other anomer via open-chain structures. This process is known as mutarotation.


In some cases, anomers can be separated via HPLC, or broadened or split peaks result. This is often undesirable when separating different sugars and should be suppressed. There are two ways to avoid anomer separation:

Exemplary representation of an anomer in glucose
  • The analysis is performed at elevated temperatures (≥70 °C)
  • The analysis is carried out under alkaline conditions

The analysis of sugars at elevated temperatures is usually carried out with stationary phases that have sulphonates on the surface. With amino columns, however, anomer separation may no longer be observed at room temperature, or the temperature may need to be raised to a maximum of 40 °C because the weakly basic amino groups in the stationary phase create basic conditions inside the column.


Detection possibilities when analysing saccharides

The refractive index detector (RI-detector) is often used for (routine) analyses of saccharides. This is very versatile, as the analytes do not need to have electrical conductivity or UV activity. Disadvantages compared to other detection options are the relatively low sensitivity and selectivity. The RI detector is also not suitable for gradient elution, as the refractive index also changes with the change in eluent composition.

If the analytes are UV- or fluorescence-active, a UV or fluorescence detector can be used. These have a high sensitivity and selectivity. Other detectors used for saccharide analysis are ELSD, CAD or MS detectors. These have extremely high sensitivities and selectivities and are also very versatile. The disadvantage of these detector types is their comparatively high price.

Representation of anomeric double peaks in sugars with low temperatures


Ligand Exchange Separation of Sugars and Sugar Alcohols with Concise CarboSep CHO 87MM

Separation of sugars with the COREgel 87MM from Concise

Peak identities

1. lactose 2. malitol 3. glucose 4. galactose 5. fructose 6. mannitol 7. sorbitol

Test conditions

Column: CarboSep CHO 87MM 300x7.8mm, 8µm

Mobile phase: Water

Flow rate: 0.6 mL/min

Temperature: 80 °C

Detection: RI

HILIC Separation of Sugars with Macherey-Nagel Nucleosil Carbohydrate

HILIC separation of sugars with the Nucleosil Carbohydrate from Macherey-Nagel

Peak identities

1. fructose 2. glucose 3. sucrose 4. maltose 5. lactose

Test conditions

Column: Nucleosil Carbohydrate 250x4.0mm, 10µm

Mobile phase: 79/21 acetonitrile/water

Flow rate: 2 mL/min

Temperature: 25 °C

Detection: RI

Injection volume: 10 µL


Manufacturer overview

Agilent Technologies

Hi-Plex series: • Hi-Plex Ca • Hi-Plex Pb • Hi-Plex H • Hi-Plex K • Hi-Plex Na




  • Nucleosil Carbohydrate, 10µm
  • Nucleodur 100-5 NH2-RP, 5µm


HPLC - Ligand Exchange:

  • Nucleogel Sugar 810 Ca
  • Nucleogel Sugar CA
  • Nucleogel Sugar Pb
  • Nucleogel Sugar Na


HPLC - Ion Exclusion:

  • Nucleogel Sugar 810 H
  • Nucleogel ION 300 OA

Merck Supelco

HPLC - Ligand Exchange:

  • Supelcogel K, 9µm
  • Supelcogel Pb, 9µm
  • Supelcogel Ca, 9µm
  • Supelcogel C-611, 9µm
  • Supelcogel Ag1, 9µm
  • Supelcogel Ag2, 9µm


HPLC - Ion Exclusion:

  • Supelcogel H, 9µm
  • Supelcogel C-610H, 9µm



  • Supelcosil LC-NH2, 5µm


HPLC - Ligand Exchange:

  • MCI GEL CK08S, 11µm
  • MCI GEL CK08E, 9µm
  • MCI GEL CK08EC, 9µm


HPLC - Ligand Exchange/SEC:

  • MCI GEL CK04S, 11µm
  • MCI GEL CK04SS, 11µm
  • MCI GEL CK02A, 20µm
  • MCI GEL CK02AA, 20µm


HPLC - Ion Exclusion:

  • MCI GEL CK08EH, 9µm



  • MCI GEL CA08F, 7µm


HPLC - Ligand Exchange:

  • Carbomix Ca-NP5
  • Carbomix Ca-NP10
  • Carbomix Pb-NP5
  • Carbomix Pb-NP10


HPLC - Ion Exclusion

  • Carbomix H-NP5
  • Carbomix H-NP10


HPLC - Ligand Exchange/SEC:

  • Sugar SC1011, 6µm
  • Sugar SP0810, 7µm
  • Sugar KS-801, 6µm
  • Sugar KS-802, 6µm
  • Sugar KS-803, 6µm
  • Sugar KS-804, 7µm


HPLC - Ligand Exchange/HILIC:

  • RSpak DC-613, 6µm
  • Sugar SZ5532, 6µm
  • Sugar SC1211, 6µm



  • Asahipak NH2P
  • HILICpak VG-50, 5µm
  • HILICpak VT-50, 5µm
  • HILICpak VN-50, 5µm


HPLC - Ion Exclusion:

  • Sugar SH1011, 6µm
  • Sugar SH1821, 6µm
  • RSpak KC-811, 6µm

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