AMT - Advanced Materials Technology / HALO PFAS


Excellent selectivity for fluorinated compounds

HALO PFAS and HALO PFAS Delay columns have been developed specifically for the analysis of Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The densely bonded, extensively endcapped ODS stationary phase of HALO PFAS provides an application assured and method qualified solution for PFAS analysis. Every HALO® PFAS lot is quality assurance tested by LC-MS/MS analysis of a mix of 17 PFAS consisting of a broad range of short and long chain compounds.

Advantages of the HALO PFAS columns:

  • Excellent selectivity and resolution for EPA methods 537.1533 and 8327 
  • Application-assured through method qualified lot analysis
  • Optimal 2.7 μm Fused-Core® particle for rugged, reliable performance delivering high efficiency, low back pressure separations
  • Endcapped alkyl phases for high sensitivity (no bleed) LCMS analysis
  • Pressure limit: 600 bar/9000 psi

Technical Data

PhaseModificationParticle size / μmPore size / ÅEnd-cappingSurface areapH rangeTmax


2.7 µm

90 Ã…




60 °C (a)

40 °C (b)



2.7 µm





60 °C (a)

40 °C (b)

(a) Low pH; (b) High pH

The HALO® PFAS columns are available exclusively in Germany from MZ-Analysentechnik GmbH.


HALO PFAS Delay, 2.7 µm, 3.0 x 50 mm

Representative MRM QA chromatogram showing the analysis of 17 PFAS compounds using HALO® PFAS.

Separation of PFAS with the HALO PFAS from AMT


1. PFBA  2. PFPeA  3. PFBS  4. PFHxA  5. PFHpA  6. PFHxS  7. PFOA  8. PFNA  9. PFOS  10. PFDA   11. PFDS  12. PFUnDA  13. PFDoDA  14. PFTrDA  15. PFTeDA  16. PFHxDA  17. PFOcDA

HALO PFAS Delay is an application assured column solution. The delay column is used to prevent background PFAS contamination from interfering with the PFAS of interest that are separated with the analytical column. The delay column bonded phase is a highly retentive endcapped silane chosen for its ability to demonstrate delay of background instrument PFAS contamination across multiple mobile phase conditions. For this reason, the HALO PFAS Delay column is placed upstream of the sample injector.

Application example of the HALO PFAS Delay Column from AMT using the example of PFOA
Installation illustration of the HALO PFAS Delay column from AMT

MZ-Analysentechnik GmbH is the official Advanced Materials Technology distributor in Germany. For further technical and price information please contact us!




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