Fused Core / Core-Shell

Fused Core™, core-shell or solid-core phases are chromatography materials based on the core-shell principle. The inventors and original developers of this technology were outstanding pioneers of chromatography, which were founded in 2006 by the company Advanced Materials Technologies™ the first core-shell columns under the brand name HALO® on the market. Since then, the range and selection of available core-shell phases has expanded considerably.


The special feature of this technology is that the silica-based packaging material is neither non-porous nor fully porous. Instead, the particles consist of a solid core and an overlying porous shell, which acts as the actual separating layer. This shortens the diffusion paths of the analytes in the stationary phase and reduces the dead volume of the entire column. This has a positive effect on the A, B and C terms of the Van Deemter equation, which reduces the overall band broadening and increases the possible separation performance.



With the available 2.7µm core-shell phases, separation efficiencies in the range of sub-2µm particles are possible, whereby the resulting back pressure is in the range of the fully porous material of the same size. These solid-core materials are therefore equally suitable for HPLC and UHPLC systems. Further advantages are the very small particle size distribution of the packing materials and the high peak capacities that can be achieved. The disadvantage of these phases is their lower loadability compared to fully porous materials.


To date, a large number of Fused-Coreâ„¢ phases with different modifications, particle and pore sizes have been developed, enabling fast and high-resolution separations.

Schematic cross-section of a fused-core particle


  • non-porous core, porous shell
  • lower back pressure due to non-porous core
  • faster mass transfer between core-shell particles and mobile phase
  • very uniform particles


  • UHPLC-like performance on an HPLC system due to lower back pressure
  • Core-shell particles show the performance of sub 2µm particles
  • lower bottom height due to more uniform particles and fast mass transfer
  • higher flow rates and therefore faster chromatography possible

Manufacturers of Fused-Coreâ„¢/Core-Shell HPLC columns are:

Agilent Technologies Inc.â„¢Poroshell HPLC columns
Bonna-Agela Technologiesâ„¢BonShell HPLC columns
GL-Sciencesâ„¢InertCoreâ„¢ HPLC columns
Macherey Nagel™Nucleoshell® HPLC columns
MerckBIOshellâ„¢ HPLC columns
Perkin Elmer®Brownlee SPP HPLC columns
Restekâ„¢Raptor HPLC columns
Sepaxâ„¢ Technologies Inc.Opalshellâ„¢ HPLC columns
Osaka Sodaâ„¢Capcell Core HPLC columns
Supelco™Ascentis® Express HPLC Columns
Thermo Fisher Scientificâ„¢Accucoreâ„¢ and Accucoreâ„¢ Vanquishâ„¢ HPLC columns
Watersâ„¢Cortecs HPLC columns
Welch Materialsâ„¢Boltimate HPLC columns
YMCâ„¢Meteoric Core HPLC Columns