
Chemicals are frequently used in chromatography and include buffers, reagents and standards. These chemicals are crucial for performing accurate and reliable analyses and contribute significantly to the separation, detection and quantification of sample components.


Buffers are in many cases essential for chromatography as they stabilise the pH of the mobile phase. A constant pH value is crucial for the reproducibility and accuracy of the analyses. Buffers are often used in reversed phase HPLC (RP-HPLC) and ion exchange chromatography. Popular buffers are phosphates, acetates and Tris. The choice of the right buffer depends on the specific application and the chemical properties of the substances to be analysed.


Reagents are chemicals that are used in chromatography to modify samples, improve separation or for detection. For example, they can be used as derivatisation reagents to increase the detectability of analytes. In gas chromatography (GC), derivatisation reagents are often used to make polar compounds more volatile and improve their separability. In HPLC, reagents such as ion-pairing reagents can be used to optimise the separation of ionic compounds.


Standards are known substances used to calibrate chromatographic systems and validate analytical results. They serve as reference points to determine the concentration and identity of analytes in samples.



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