UCT - United Chemical Technologies / Fusion Ag+

Fusion Ag+

Simple and Accurate Fractionation for EPH Testing

usion Ag+ ist UCT´s latest SPE sorbent for selective and efficient separation of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons. Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) with heat-treated silica gel is the traditional approach for the fractionation of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. UCT’s Enviro-Clean Fusion® Ag+ SPE sorbent is designed to help overcome the challenges associated with traditional silica gel fractionation. Fusion Ag+ optimizes selectivity, enhances capacity and completely separates aliphatic and aromatic fractions.

The advantages of the Fusion Ag+ phase at a glance:

  • High selectivity
  • Simpli­ed procedure
  • Improved cost saving and productivity
  • High reproducibility
  • High capacity
  • Complete Separation
Schematic representation of how Fusion Ag+ from UCT works

The new EPH fractionation sorbent consists of silver ions anchored onto a solid support to provide the best selectivity, capacity, and performance. Aromatic hydrocarbons form a charge-transfer complex with silver ions ensuring complete separation of aliphatic from aromatic fractions without breakthrough.

Technical Data

SPE material

Loading capacity for aromatic hydrocarbons

UCT Fusion®Ag+

20-25 mg/g

Heat-treated silica

~5 mg/g




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