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LudgerSep products are a range of specialised HPLC and UHPLC columns and associated buffer solutions for the precise separation and analysis of glycans. These products are optimised for various chromatographic techniques:
LudgerSep N Amide columns contain particles with a polymeric amide coating that are optimised for high-resolution chromatography of complex glycan mixtures. They are suitable for the analysis and purification of glycans labelled with fluorophores or UV chromophores.
LudgerSep R Reverse columns are equipped with octadecylsilane-coated particles that have been optimised for hydrophobic chromatography. They are mainly used for the analysis of monosaccharides labelled with 2-aminobenzoic acid (2-AA).
LudgerSep C Anion columns have macroporous anion exchange particles and are designed for charge-based analysis and purification of glycans. They are particularly useful for determining the charge profile of glycans labelled with 2-AB or 2-AA.