Avantor-ACE / Avantor ACE Method Development Kit

Avantor ACE Method Development Kit

With the ACE Method Development Kit ACT promotes its newest product on the market. The UHPLC and HPLC method development kits provide 2 or 3 carefully selected ACE HPLC-columns with different selectivities for rapid, systematic method development. The kits are highly cost effective. The ACE HPLC-columns for the kits have been selected as following and cannot be changed:

Comparison of the separation mechanisms of the individual columns of the four available Avantor ACE Method Development Kits

Technical Data

Why should you use ACE Method Development Kits?

  • Improve separation: ACE Method Developement Kits group together columns with different mechanisms of interaction to maximise selectivity and improve the likelihood of separating difficult or closely related analyties in mixtures.
  • Time saving screening: with columns containing different bonded phases under the same mobile phase conditions can help achieve desired separation more quickly and increase productivity.
  • Highly cost effective: one Kit contains 2 or even 3 HPLC-columns and costs the same as 1 single column


Using ACE Method Development Kits to Improve Separations:

Comparison of the selectivities of different columns in a method development kit from Avantor ACE



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