Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons - Pesticides

1. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a group of substances that consist of at least two aromatic ring systems that are directly fused together. PAHs are primarily released into the environment via the air from technical and natural thermal processes and can accumulate in organisms.


PAHs are currently analysed using either gas or high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). In order to separate the structurally very similar PAHs with sufficient resolution via HPLC, special stationary phases are required that have a high selectivity for this group of substances.


For the separation of PAHs, MZ-Analysentechnik GmbH has developed MZ-PAH - a stationary phase especially for the requirements of modern HPLC environmental analysis. The base material is a wide-pored high-performance silica of exceptional purity and mechanical stability. A special modification process ensures the selectivity required for the separation of PAHs. This process guarantees the highest chromatographic resolution and excellent reproducibility.


The MZ-PAH guarantees the separation of 6 PAHs according to DIN 38407-F8 and 16 PAHs according to EPA Method 610.

2. Pesticides

Against the background of the Drinking Water Ordinance, the determination of plant treatment agents in water has developed into one of the most frequent applications of high-performance liquid chromatography in environmental analysis. The basis of the analysis is the DIN38407-F12 standardised method, which describes the determination of 17 substances, preferably active substances from the group of triazines and phenylureas. HPLC columns of the type MZ-PBM are ideally suited for the determination of nitrogenous plant treatment agents in accordance with DIN 38407-F12.


Nowadays, however, the requirements go far beyond the 17 substances defined there. MZ-PBM columns also fulfil the increased requirements in terms of efficiency and selectivity and enable the separation of 38 pesticide active substances/metabolites. The base material for the stationary phase is a C18-modified reversed-phase material with an average particle size of 3 μm, which is subjected to a special modification.


Product Type
Internal Diameter
Particle Size
Chemistry Producers Term
Column Type
Hardware Type
pH Minimum
pH Maximum
Temperature Maximum [°C]
Pressure Stability
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Separation of 18 PAHs according to EPA 610 with MZ-Analysentechnik MZ-PAH

Separation of 18 PAHs according to EPA method 610 with the MZ-PAH from MZ-Analysentechnik

Peak identities

1. naphthalene 2. 1-methylnaphthalene 3. 2-methylnaphthalene 4. acenaphthene 5. fluorene 6. phenanthrene 7. anthracene 8. fluoranthene 9. pyrene 10. benzo(a)anthracene 11. Chrysene 12 6-methylchrysene 13. benzo(b)fluoranthene 14. benzo(k)fluoranthene 15. benzo(a)pyrene 16. dinbenz(ah)anthracene 17. benzo(ghi)perylene 18. indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene

Test conditions

Column: MZ-PAH 150x3.0mm, 3µm (MZ1100-150030)

Determination of 38 pesticides using MZ-Analysentechnik MZ-PBM

Reverse phase separation of 38 pesticides with the MZ-PBM from MZ-Analysentechnik

Peak identities

1. desisopropylatrazine 2. metamitron 3. fenuron 4. desethylatrazine 5. chloridazon 6. crimidine 7. metoxuron 8. carbetamide 9. bromacil 10. hexazinone 11. simazine 12. metribuzin 13. cyanazine 14. desethylterbuthylazine 15. methabenzthiazuron 16. chlorotoluron 17. atrazine 18. Simazine 12. metribuzin 13. cyanazine 14. desethylterbuthylazine 15. methabenzthiazuron 16. chlorotoluron 17. atrazine 18. monolinuron 19. diuron 20. Isoproturon 21. metobromuron 22. norflurazon 23. metazachlor 24. methoprotryn 25. sebuthylazine 26. propazine 27. dimefuron 28. terbutylazine 29. Linuron 30. chloroxuron 31. prometryn 32. chlorpropham 33. terbutryn 34. metolachlor 35. parathionethyl 36. pencycuron 37. bifenox 38. pendimethalin

Test conditions

Columns: MZ-PBM 250x4.0mm, 3µm (MZ1122-250040)

MZ-PBM 250x3.0mm, 3µm (MZ1122-250030)

MZ-PBM 250x2.1mm, 3µm (MZ1122-250021)



HPLC - Reversed Phase:

  • MZ-PBM, 3µm
  • MZ-PAH, 3µm
  • MZ-PAH, 5µm

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