Hi-Plex Ca: mono- and disaccharides, anomer separation, alcohols, groceries and beverages, food additives, dairy products, sweets, fruit juice
Hi-Plex Pb: mono- and disaccharides, alcohols, groceries and beverages, food additives, sweetened dairy products, sweets, wood pulp hydrolysate (cellulose/hemicellulose)
Hi-Plex H: mono- and disaccharides, alcohols, dairy products, wine, fermentation analytics
Hi-Plex Ca (Duo): oligosaccharides <Dp5 with monosaccharides
Hi-Plex K: alcohols
Hi-Plex Na (Octo): mono- and disaccharides, samples with high salt content (molasses)
Hi-Plex Na: oligosaccharides, corn syrup