NucleoBond HMW DNA (20) 20 preps for the isolation of high molecular wight DNA from cells and from cells and tissue NucleoBond Xtra Columns, buffers, Proteinase K, RNaseA, plastic washer __no dangerous goods according transport regulations

Part Number: MN-740160.20
Manufacturer: Macherey-Nagel
Excl. 19% taxes, excl. Shipping costs
Delivery Time: approx. 4 days
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Description NucleoBond HMW DNA (20) 20 preps for the isolation of high molecular wight DNA from cells and from cells and tissue NucleoBond Xtra Columns, buffers, Proteinase K, RNaseA, plastic washer __no dangerous goods according transport regulations
Product Type Other Accessories
Country of Origin Deutschland
Quantity 1 pc
Manufacturer Macherey-Nagel